About Us
Our Mission
Build and implement creative solutions for independent pharmacies using clean, elegant, and functional designs and via high-quality creations that drive business growth and success
Our Values
Our story
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Our Founder
Dr. Maisie Nguyen, PharmD, AAHIVP
Dr. Maisie Nguyen is a clinical pharmacist whose creative talents and artistic skills have inspired her to combine designing with pharmacy to bring unique creative solutions to the independent pharmacy industry and beyond.
Having an extensive background in editing, writing, and graphic and layout designing, Dr. Nguyen sought to integrate her literary and artistic finesse into her work early on as an intern pharmacist and, later, as a clinical pharmacist.
Early in her pharmacy career, Dr. Nguyen spearheaded the development of a CHF patient management program and has written and designed a myriad of clinical forms and templates, detailed patient educational materials, and key stakeholder materials related to CHF patient management.
Throughout her years of conducting medication therapy management (MTM) services as an MTM- and HIV-certified pharmacist and, later, years practicing as a home infusion specialty pharmacist, Dr. Nguyen has also implemented numerous creative design solutions targeted to multiplying pharmacy businesses’ growth, including designing:
- patient- and physician-oriented brochures and marketing collateral
- strategic clinical and business PowerPoint presentations targeting different audiences
- scientific posters, and
- various clinical templates such as therapeutic order forms and clinical forms required by accreditation bodies
Over the past 7 years, by creating high-quality clinical forms with clean, bespoke designs that facilitate pharmacy business growth, Dr. Maisie Nguyen has successfully enabled independent pharmacies to (at minimum):
Save clinical-document development costs
Reduce product development time
Increase operational efficiency
We hold our work to the highest quality and empower independent pharmacy owners to revolutionize and expand their business using our creative solutions.